This is a blog for me to post pictures I take... Share my day to day stuff... enjoy! There will be more to come!
For awhile I thought about going up one step better and getting the 50D. I would only have to pay a extra $300. But I still needed a battery and memory card so I decided to just stick with the 40D and get those things and still have money in the bank.
I was so excited about this I couldn't stop talking while coloring my mom's hair right after the big buy! She was a little nervous I would either forgot to put the gloves on (which did happen ) or miss a spot of hair that needed to be colored!
I am shooting to have my camera by Wednesday for Danielle's senior pictures... Cross your fingers for me!
I thought I would share a picture of me and Jasper in the elavator at the Hospital that was taken last week. He so enjoys riding elavators! He can be odd at times... but I love being around him he brings so much joy to my day :)